A long time now since I actually described what I'm doing. But don't fear, I'm right on top of things!
The project has taken an utopian turn over the last month and no matter what this sketch looks like, the structure has taken scale and the overall circulation is getting solved.
I'm still over Amsterdam, but not Amsterdam as structure and topography, but Amsterdam as atmosphere and character, in other words I'm only interested in the city's inherent properties.
The projects trajectory is to reflect and act as a complement to Amsterdam.
It aims to reflect the townscape physically as well as its properties and history, at the same time it's creating room for what is currently missing in the city. It communicates hard criticism towards the touristification and commercial pollution the city has been undergoing for the last decades.
Amsterdam started of as a lo-tech small town a couple of hundred years ago and now it's became a old town-metropolis hybrid.
So what if we wanted to go back in time, but keep the technology of the future as well as keep the present time?
My mind un-controllingly wandered to Back to the future II, where Michael J Fox travels into a parallel reality and the professor (what's his name) draws a Y-shaped vector on a chalkboard to explain this phenomena... Maybe it's that simple to make this vision possible. Just build the city in parallel autonomous layers!
This is my vision and experiment!
To say it simple: I'm superimposing a new hi-tech small town with some of the charm and picturesqueness the old one use to have.

Nice! Looking forward to see more of the project as it takes shape.
thanks O.
I've got a long way to go, but if it works like it usually does, everything will happen now the last three weeks
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