

Finally I have an updated architectural portfolio
Feel free to: ask, comment, hate, love, share or rip (... ok maybe not rip, but take inspiration from)


Sofia said...

Funny I found your blog... I'm currently finishing up my final project and I am making a Cooking Factory - it's more of a research centre for molecular gastronomy, but still, it's kinda funny, being that I am in Portugal and nobody else at my school is making the same project.

Anyway, you have a very cool portfolio.
Hopefully, in a couple of months, I'll get mine on-line too.

In the meanwhile, if you'd like, you can check my work in progress in my blog: http://thecookingfactory.tumblr.com

Good luck!


Imponerande, mitt hjärta!
Tänk att jag inte sett den här innan.
Intressant att vi kan leva så parallella
världar, trots att jag ser dig varje dag!
Du gör mig så enormt stolt och glad!

<3 <3 <3

Mats Håkansson Behrbohm said...

Thank you Sofia. I'll look in to it. Good luck!
Tack Malli, mitt hjärta. Vill se lite av dina grejer snart också. puss

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