

After the critique on the 20th December, I was told that I don't take my drawings seriously. Although my lacking knowledge in Danish, I understood that the critics were missing context and program in my project.

This is of course important parts of architecture (if not the most important) but during this year I've been trying to find out how to work in department 6's way. And I still haven't got a grip of it. A couple of weeks ago my teacher told me that it was to early to go into the questions mentioned above... hmmm.

With this in mind I have taken a much more concrete approach to the project, tying it down into context and forming my drawing according to program.
Below I show you the old plan put into context as well as a new plan, generated from the old and adapted to the context, along with a program. The gray scheme is showing degrees of private/public.


Section + Plan

Here we go!
I've finally produced two sections and one plan that are coherent. I feel that these together explain the concept that has grown forth quite well.
Lets see what the crit's say. I'm going to present these in about 6 hours, better get some sleep.


Getting into the section drawing

I've realized that I can't jerk around in plan view all my life. I got to get in to the building (or what ever I'm drawing) in section. I remember Professor Sir Peter Cook telling me: "If the plan and the section are your children, the section is the one you send to collage." Thats the one you should invest your time and effort in. And I can tell you that most architecture students (including myself) are almost afraid of going into section, it's really a lot harder than drawing in plan. And it's, strangely enough, a lot harder to get a section not to look "flat".


New book on the way

I bought a book on amazon the other day. It's a collection of some of CJ Lim's work. He is an extremely interesting and elaborate architect with a diploma from AA in London and he is now teaching a studio at the Bartlett.
I'm looking forward to read more about his work and strategies, as well as studying his form and spatial techniques.

ISBN-13: 978-1920744809


Evolvement of plan drawing

My plan drawing is starting to take shape.
The grey colored field represents the walkway and the yellow frames indicates room, which activity they hold is not yet specified. Whether this is important or not is not yet determined. I actually see this more as a project regarding opposites like; inside/outside, under/over, and how surface becomes room and the other way around.
Now lets get down with the sections and elevations, to make you (read, me) understand what I'm doing here.

Taming a monster

My teaching assistent Gitte Juul told me today, that I should stop inventing, and start working with what I already have. I followed this advise and did a clean-up-version of my plan, starting from the bottom, peeling of junk and re-drawing. The top one is far from final, but I see more of what I'm aiming for in it. At least a whole lot more than what i did in the old one (at the bottom). It has a much more harmonic flow, and a more controlled shape.
I really like that they are so different but still carry resemblance. That the new plan actually is generated by the old plan. That I stopped inventing and let my material invent for me (with some minor tweaks, of course).


Conceptual Model

So, now the model is "done". I have built it with the focus on the elevation and section to study how body and surface co-exist, and how they can flow into, across, over and under each other. Where is it pure construction and when does it become a room? When does the landscape become a building? Can I erase these boundries? If I can... Should I?

These two pictures are taken as two long elevations and should be seen as a material to further study the project in drawing.


Generating drawing

This drawing has the strengths and characteristics of my previous models, drawings and scetches. Hopefully it can become... something. I will try to produce a conceptual physical model during the weekend, with the rules that this drawing possess.


Analysis of the BIG buiding, 8-Tallet

During the last two weeks, me and a couple of classmates have wasted a large amount of our precious time creating an analasys of BIG:s building 8-Tallet, for the course TEK5.

Check out the result by clicking here (direct link to plan and section drawings here)


Great inspiration for graphic design addicts

I got this fantastic book from my girlfriend for my birthday. I highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in graphic design.

"The progressive state of contemporary two-dimensional graphic design.
Graphic design as a formal discipline is in constant flux. In recent years, its productive
three-dimensional installation art have further escalated the development
of the discipline. This evolution has in turn raised the bar for cutting-edge
two-dimensional graphic design.
Regular examines and documents the current state of graphic design, identifying
the most visionary young designers at the top of their game with examples
of their progressive manifestations in the printed form. Wide-ranging in nature:
from poster design, book and magazine editorial design as well as typography,
the projects showcased in this book are characteristically underlined by a Neo-
Conservatist and Deconstructivist approach. Many of the designers included in
the book intentionally manipulate and distort traditional rules and ideas with a
playful and experimental verve. Regular presents this new generation of creative
excellence from Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, synonymous to tradition
with a minimalist tradition and precision of detail and from France, Great
Britain and the USA.
Through abundant visuals and illuminating texts accompanying each featured
project, this expansive volume provides an in depth look at current trends in contemporary
graphic design that are influencing visual culture."

ISBN-13: 978-3899552539


Form finding, in model, at Dybbølsbro | Vesterbro | Copenhagen

At the moment i'm trying to get a grip of the project I'm working on at school.
This is my latest model, made in 1mm card board. It's approximately 65cm long, and I see it as a three dimentional drawing trying to establish potential lines, surfaces and volumes, to get on with the process.
I still don't know where I'm going with this...



Leisure Me

My friend Henric asked me a couple of weeks ago if I wanted to design a record cover for his leisure-project called Leisure Me. I really respect his talent in music and was proud to get to do him this favor. His music is some really funky shit, with vocals processed in Autotune.

My approach to the task was to find the key words for the design when listening to the music. I gave Henric the words: "laser", "sexy" and "space". He thought I was right on target, and left me with free hands.

I started by doing the mouth, the creator of the lyrics, as a center piece of the design. From this everything evolves. I got my girlfriend, Malin, to pose as a model for the mouth. It didn't take much nagging.
I always think of Zapp singer Roger Troutman, when I hear vocals that are processed in the computer, and I really love how he sings with a tube, connected to his "Talk-box" in the side of his mouth. This reference lead to that the band name came out from the side of the mouth, like Rogers tube.

The mouth is free floating in space with laser transforming lyrics to light in a sexy manner.

You can lister to the album on spotify or purchase on itunes


Introducing fall semester project

For the fall semester 2010 we, at the Mater's programme, in department 6, were given the task to formulate a question or an analysis method, that during the semester could lead to a work of architecture. We had a crash course in the philosophical field of structuralism, that was meant to inspire our look at society and architecture.
My approach to this task was to look at the structure of the city and to find the most dense fields in this mesh. I was also interested in how different structures and territories are geographically close, but totally separated. I found it natural with this fields of interest to analyze the flow and activities on, and around urban bridges. I descided to look closer at Dybbølsbro in Vesterbro, Copenhagen.


Progress through process

I got a well deserved haircut the other day, and here is the documentation of the process. I've always been fashinated by the pieces that creates the whole. Do you remember those old childrens books, like "Finding Waldo", where there were a wast complexity of people and crazy activity. Maybe I drifted away there, but I think this picture has a wonderful complex mosaic effect and it's a great memory as well.


Bachelors Project

This is an out take of some of the material i produced during my Bachelors project.
Description of project will be published soon.